The other day, I was at the barn minding my own business when I overheard a group of horse owners talking about giving their horses baking soda to help with digestion.
My initial reaction was, “What?! Horses can eat baking soda? Since when?”
I couldn’t believe my ears.
But then, to my surprise, they started swapping stories about how it had worked wonders for their horses.
I couldn’t resist the urge to investigate this baking soda business further.
So, I spent the next few days scouring the internet and talking to experts, trying to figure out if this was a legitimate practice or just another horsey myth.
And boy, let me tell you, what I discovered was truly eye-opening.
Not only did I learn all about the potential benefits of baking soda for horses, but I also uncovered some unexpected risks and drawbacks.
Now I don’t want to brag, but I consider myself a bit of an expert when it comes to horse care and nutrition.
I’ve been around horses my whole life, starting from when I was just a toddler.
My grandfather had a beautiful American Quarter Horse named Lucky that I basically learned to walk holding onto.
From my first pony Misty to my current gelding Dakota, I’ve spent decades caring for these amazing animals.
I’ve made just about every mistake you can make when caring for horses, including accidentally giving Dakota way too much baking soda once before a big barrel race.
Boy, was that a fiasco!
Let’s just say there was a ring of white foam around his mouth for hours and he did not feel like running that day.
So today, I want to share what I’ve learned from my lifelong experience with horses to help other horse owners avoid a bubbly mess.
The key points to know are that baking soda can help prevent and treat acidosis in horses, but too much can cause serious health issues.
About 1-2 tablespoons per 500 lbs of body weight per day is a good general guideline.
Always start low and increase slowly if needed.
What Does Baking Soda Do for Horses?
Baking soda, also known by its scientific name sodium bicarbonate, acts as a buffer in the horse’s digestive system.
Here’s a little chemistry refresher: acids and bases neutralize one another.
When baking soda meets up with the acidic gastric juices in the stomach or acidic chyme in the small intestine, a chemical reaction occurs that lowers the overall acidity. This helps prevent acidosis, which is when the pH becomes too low or acidic.
Acidosis can be a problem for horses prone to gastric ulcers, those on high grain diets, older horses, horses in heavy training, and horses with other digestive issues like diarrhea.
The acidic environment can damage the gut lining, leading to ulcers and hindering nutrient absorption.
The added sodium and bicarbonate ions from baking soda help neutralize the pH and also provide electrolyte replenishment.
For example, my old barrel racer Dakota used to get mild acidosis when we were on the road going to races every weekend.
All the stress and irregular feeding schedule really did a number on his stomach. My vet recommended trying a bit of baking soda to help his digestion.
After starting 1 tablespoon twice a day, we saw a notable improvement in his appetite and manure consistency.
So in Dakota’s case, the baking soda really helped ease his acidosis.
Is it Safe to Give My Horse Baking Soda?
You may be surprised to learn that baking soda can be a safe and effective supplement for your beloved equine friend!
In fact, many horse owners have discovered that incorporating baking soda into their horse’s diet can have numerous benefits, ranging from improving digestion to easing muscle soreness.
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, can be particularly helpful for horses who struggle with digestive issues, such as acid reflux or ulcers.
It works by neutralizing the stomach acid, creating a more alkaline environment that can help soothe the digestive tract.
And because baking soda is a natural antacid, it can also help alleviate discomfort and prevent further damage to the stomach lining.
But the benefits of baking soda for horses don’t stop there.
This versatile supplement has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for reducing soreness and stiffness in horses’ muscles and joints.
It can even help regulate electrolyte balance, which is important for overall health and performance.
Of course, as with any supplement, it’s important to use baking soda in moderation and under the guidance of a veterinarian or equine nutritionist.
They can help you determine the appropriate dosage and ensure that your horse’s overall diet is balanced and healthy.
So why not give your horse the benefits of baking soda?
With its wide-ranging benefits and the potential to improve your horse’s overall health and well-being, this humble supplement is definitely worth considering!
Recommended Amount of Baking Soda
Okay, let’s get to the nitty gritty: how much of this magical powder should you sprinkle onto your horse’s feed? Here are some general guidelines and tips:
- Start with 1-2 tablespoons per 500 lbs of body weight per day.
- Split the dose between their feedings rather than give all at once.
- Increase the dose gradually if needed, under vet supervision.
- Never exceed 4 tablespoons per 500 lbs body weight per day.
- Mix it well into a damp meal to prevent inhalation.
- If also giving medications, give them separately from baking soda doses.
- Be consistent and don’t give more on some days than others.
- Monitor manure pH if possible to gauge effectiveness.
For a 1000 lb horse, the dose would be about 2-8 tablespoons total per day.
I suggest starting with just 1 tablespoon twice daily and seeing how the horse’s manure consistency and overall health responds.
Slowly increase the dose every 2-3 days only if the horse seems to benefit from more. More is not always better with baking soda! For perspective, one tablespoon is about 15 grams. So start small.
Dangers of Too Much Baking Soda
Giving excessive amounts of baking soda can actually cause alkalosis – the opposite problem of making the body too alkaline.
It may also disrupt normal nutrient absorption and metabolism by binding important minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in the intestines.
Some signs of baking soda toxicity to watch out for include:
- Loss of appetite
- Excessive salivation
- Loose manure or diarrhea
- Colic
- Muscle tremors
- Weakness and lethargy
- Increased thirst and urination
I’ll never forget when I accidentally gave Dakota nearly a cup of baking soda instead of his usual tablespoon dose.
He ended up with diarrhea and seemed very weak and listless. I realized my mistake and had my vet come check him over.
Thankfully with some fluids and rest he bounced back quickly. But it taught me to be much more careful measuring out supplements!
The bottom line is while a moderate amount of baking soda can help some horses, too much can make them sick.
Use careful judgment with dosing and be sure to consult your veterinarian about any concerns. Slow and steady wins the race when supplementing with baking soda!
Signs Your Horse Could Benefit from Baking Soda
Not all horses need supplemental baking soda.
But there are some signs indicating your horse may benefit from a little baking soda boost:
- Chronic diarrhea
- Loose manure or irregular manure consistency
- Known digestive issues like ulcers or IBS
- Poor appetite, especially picky eating
- Excessive time spent lying down
- Poor coat condition and body condition score
- Recurrent colic episodes
- Lethargy, general unthriftiness
- Engaging in unusual habits like chewing wood or eating dirt
Horses with digestive disorders like ulcers or IBS are commonly treated with baking soda to help control acid production.
High performance horses in heavy training are also good candidates since the stress and irregular feeding can disrupt their digestion.
Senior horses tend to produce less saliva, allowing their stomach acidity to increase, so a little baking soda can help buffer their gut pH.
If your horse frequently has loose manure or diarrhea, adding some baking soda may firm things up by reducing the hyperacidity leading to excess motility.
Just mix some into their feed ration or even syringe some baking soda mixed with water if they aren’t eating well. But have your vet evaluate any chronic diarrhea before treating it yourself.
Some older horses benefit from baking soda if they seem to have trouble maintaining weight and body condition.
The baking soda can help them better digest and absorb nutrients from their food instead of the acids damaging the intestines and decreasing absorption.
Just monitor their manure pH and ensure the baking soda improves appetite rather than decreases it.
How to Feed Baking Soda Safely
To get the benefits of baking soda supplementation while avoiding potential risks, here are some tips for feeding it safely:
- Introduce it gradually starting with 1 dose daily.
- Split the dose between feedings rather than give all at once.
- Mix it thoroughly into a dampened meal.
- Increase dosage slowly while monitoring effects.
- If also giving meds, separate the meds and baking soda doses.
- Monitor manure consistency and pH if possible.
- Provide plenty of fresh water since baking soda is salty.
- Do not exceed 4 tablespoons per 500 lbs body weight per day.
- Consult your vet if you need to use long-term or in larger amounts.
It is ideal to introduce baking soda gradually rather than all at once. Start with just 1 dose daily, ideally 1-2 tablespoons per 500 lbs horse.
Split the dose between their morning and evening feedings. If you dump too much in at once, they could develop an alkalosis pH imbalance.
Mix the baking soda thoroughly into a moistened meal.
This prevents the horse from inhaling the powder and getting a dangerous inhalation pneumonia called “Fizz Lung.” Make sure they fully ingest all of the baking soda.
Increase the dosage slowly over 2-3 day intervals if needed while monitoring effects on manure pH and consistency. Too much too fast can cause diarrhea or nutritional issues instead of helping.
How to Monitor Safety and Effectiveness
To ensure you are supplementing baking soda safely and effectively, here are some tips for monitoring your horse:
- Observe manure consistency – should be well-formed, not loose.
- Use test strips to check manure pH – aim for 6.5-7.
- Weigh horse weekly to check for weight maintenance.
- Watch for signs of toxicity like diarrhea or lethargy.
- Evaluate eating habits to ensure good appetite.
- Check hydration status with skin pinch test.
- Feel for muscle tremors as a toxicity sign.
- Pay attention to coat condition for nutrition status.
One of the best ways to monitor the results of baking soda supplementation is to observe your horse’s manure.
The consistency should be well-formed but not too dry or hard after adding some baking soda. Using test strips designed for aquariums, check that the manure pH stays in the ideal 6.5-7 range – not too acidic or alkaline.
Weigh your horse weekly to make sure their weight is maintained or improved with the baking soda support.
Watch for any signs of diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, or muscle tremors which could indicate toxicity. Check hydration by pinching the skin on their shoulder – it should snap back immediately.
By paying close attention to how your horse responds through monitoring manure, pH, appetite, behavior, and physical status, you can fine-tune the baking soda supplementation to what is optimal for each individual horse’s needs.
Alternatives to Baking Soda for Digestive Support
While baking soda can be helpful for horses prone to acidosis, there are some other options to consider as well:
- Probiotics – healthy gut bacteria aid digestion.
- Prebiotics – provide “food” for probiotics to flourish.
- Digestive enzymes – break down nutrients for better absorption.
- Aloe vera juice – soothes and coats the digestive tract.
- Omeprazole – suppresses gastric acid production.
- Pectin – provides soluble fiber to absorb toxins.
- Glutamine – supports intestinal health and healing.
Probiotics and prebiotics, like yogurt or pasture grazing, help establish populations of beneficial bacteria in the hindgut to aid fermentation and nutrient absorption.
Digestive enzymes can also enhance digestion and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation.
Aloe vera juice or yogurt can help coat and soothe the digestive tract lining. For horses with severe ulcers, omeprazole may be prescribed to reduce stomach acid production. Pectin, found in produce like apples, is a gentle soluble fiber that can help absorb toxins and irritants.
Finally, the amino acid glutamine provides energy for intestinal cells and supports overall digestive health.
Always check with your vet before trying digestive supplements. A holistic approach can maximize digestive health without relying solely on baking soda antacids.
When to Call the Vet About Baking Soda Use
While using small amounts of baking soda under careful guidance is generally safe for horses, there are some scenarios where a vet should be consulted:
- If you need to exceed 4 tablespoons per 500 lbs daily.
- If diarrhea, weight loss, or other signs of toxicity develop.
- If your horse has an underlying health condition.
- For long-term daily use beyond 2-3 weeks.
- If your horse requires it long-term due to severe ulcers.
- If you are unable to monitor the horse’s response.
- For young, old, or frail horses more sensitive to supplements.
The longer baking soda is used, the greater the risk of counterproductive alkalosis or mineral binding. Horses with health conditions may have different requirements for safe dosing as well. Young and senior horses can be more susceptible to imbalances.
If you need to keep giving more than 4 tablespoons daily continuously, it is important to consult your vet to make sure it is still beneficial and not causing harm.
They can help you monitor with bloodwork if needed. Don’t exceed the upper limit without veterinary guidance.
Also have your vet evaluate any onset of diarrhea, weight loss, weakness, or other symptoms associated with toxicity.
Catching adverse effects early allows you to adjust the dosage appropriately. Be very cautious using baking soda with horses who have sodium-restricted diets.
While baking soda has benefits in smaller amounts, it is always wise to involve your vet when supplementing long-term or in higher doses to ensure safety.
Can I give my horse baking soda in their water?
It’s generally not recommended to give your horse baking soda in their water.
Baking soda can interfere with the absorption of other minerals and nutrients, and it’s important to ensure that your horse is getting the proper balance of nutrients in their diet.
Consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist before adding baking soda to your horse’s water or feed.
Can baking soda help with ulcers in horses?
Baking soda can potentially help to neutralize excess acid in the stomach and may be used as a treatment for ulcers in horses.
However, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist before using baking soda as a treatment for ulcers.
Ulcers are a serious condition that requires proper diagnosis and treatment, and baking soda should not be used as a sole treatment.
Can baking soda be used as a natural dewormer for horses?
There is no scientific evidence to support the use of baking soda as a natural dewormer for horses.
It’s important to use a properly formulated dewormer and to follow a regular deworming schedule as recommended by a veterinarian or equine nutritionist.
Can baking soda be harmful to my horse if given in excess?
Yes, giving your horse too much baking soda can have adverse effects. Overuse of baking soda can lead to metabolic alkalosis, a condition in which the body’s pH becomes too alkaline.
Symptoms of metabolic alkalosis in horses include lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and muscle tremors. In severe cases, it can even lead to respiratory failure.
That’s why it’s important to follow the appropriate dosage recommended by your veterinarian or equine nutritionist and not exceed the maximum amount of one tablespoon per day per 1,000 pounds of body weight.
Is baking soda safe for all horses?
Baking soda can be safe for most horses, but it’s important to consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist before administering it to your horse.
Some horses may have underlying health conditions that make them more sensitive to certain supplements or treatments, and it’s important to ensure that baking soda won’t cause any adverse effects for your horse.
How often should I give my horse baking soda?
The frequency of giving baking soda to your horse will depend on their individual needs and health condition.
In general, it’s recommended to give baking soda to your horse once a day, but it’s important to consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to determine the appropriate frequency of administration.
Are there any side effects of giving baking soda to horses?
Giving baking soda to horses in small amounts is generally safe, but giving too much can lead to a range of side effects, including diarrhea, colic, and electrolyte imbalances.
It’s important to carefully monitor your horse for any signs of discomfort or adverse effects after giving them baking soda, and to consult with a veterinarian if you notice any issues.
Can baking soda be used to treat other health conditions in horses?
Baking soda has been shown to have a range of health benefits for horses, including improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and regulating electrolyte balance.
However, it should not be used as a sole treatment for any health condition without consulting with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist.
What other supplements can I give my horse to improve digestion?
In addition to baking soda, there are several other supplements that can help improve digestion in horses, including probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes.
Probiotics keep the gut bacteria happy, and digestive enzymes help break down food like a champ. Your horse will thank you for the tummy TLC! 🐴✨