I’ll never forget the first rodeo I went to as a kid…
there’s something else that gets their motors running.
It Ain’t the Ride That’s Got ‘Em Mad
Now I know what you’re thinkin’ – it must be havin’ a grown man thrown over their back that’s got these animals all riled up, right?
But I’m tellin’ ya, the ride itself ain’t what causes the buckin’.
Have you ever seen a horse just layin’ around in a field start tossin’ and turnin’ for no reason? Nah, didn’t think so.
They only bust out the bucks when something really revs their engine.
Take goats for example.
I used to have this billy goat named Old Bessie that was as calm as could be.
Never saw her throw a fit unless a dog came sniffin’ around the pen.
Sure, she didn’t like me climbin’ on her back but she wasn’t about to launch me into low Earth orbit like one of them rodeo bulls! There’s gotta be more to the story than just not likin’ riders.
And case in point – have you seen the bull ridin’ events where they just let the bull run loose in the ring?
Danged thing is still bustin’ out them famous spins and hops even with no cowboy in sight.
Clearly the ride itself ain’t the sole reason for all that angst. Some deeper instinct is at play here.
Have you ever tried gettin’ on the back of ol’ Betsy the cow?
She just gives you that “what in tarnation are you doin’, son” look and meanders off peaceful like.
So while the animals likely don’t enjoy the rodeoin’, that ain’t what lights the fire under them, if you catch my drift.
Do ballet horses start pirouettin’ just cuz someone hops on?
Nah, they’re trained from birth for that fancy footwork.
Rodeo stock though, they’re as wild as can be.
With instincts buried deep from their ancestry on the open plains.
It’s in Their DNA to Buck Predators
Now picture this – you’re a wild mustang hundreds of years ago, mindin’ your business on the prairie.
When all of a sudden a pack of hungry coyotes startsnipin’ at your hooves, tryna turn you into their next meal! What’s your first move gonna be? I can tell you it sure as heck ain’t gonna be standin’ there politely while they take a nibble. You’re fixin’ to fight back with everything you got!
And that’s just what generations of horses did – they evolved one heck of a defense move to ward off predators.
A hard, sudden buck was the perfect shock-and-awe tactic to launch any wolf or mountain lion straight off your back. Give ’em the old heave-ho and save your hide in the process. Pretty soon buckin’ became second nature when anything spooked or threatened the herd.
Now visualize you’re a bull way back in the day. You worked your tail off fightin’ other boys your size to earn the right to sire calves.
Losin’ even one scrap could get you booted from the herd forever. So over thousands of years, bulls developed this natural talent for twistin’ and turnin’ to get the upper hand in battles. It was their secret move to always come out on top.
One good rear back and torque of the body is usually all it takes to topple another 1,500 pound bull. And with so many stakes riding on every fight, that buck became like a reflex whenever a threat got too close. Set in their DNA from ancestor to ancestor, generation after generation out on the open range.
Now you take all that pure instinct developed over millennia – and combine it with the stress of strange surroundings like a rodeo arena – well it’s no wonder the animals bust out buckin’! Their wild nature just takes over plain and simple.
Why Bucking Comes Natural as Breathing
See, bucking’s been so essential to horses’ and bulls’ survival all this time that it’s truly ingrained in ’em on a primal level. It’s like breathing – they ain’t even gotta think about it.
Just part of who they are deep in their DNA. And when you’ve relied on a trait for that many generations, it becomes instinct more than a conscious reaction.
Take pronghorn antelope for instance. Those suckers will leap clean over a barbed wire fence just cause some dust blew by.
Their jumping chops are so embedded in ’em through nature, they’ll use ’em without a second thought!
Same deal with bucking stock – their nervous systems are just wired to bust out kicking and twisting any time they feel pushed into a tight spot. Whether that’s a predator like wolves did back in the day, or gosh dang rodeo clowns today!
It’s a Buzz They Can’t Get Enough Of
Now I’m sure once that initial jolt of adrenaline wears off, these animals are tired as all get out. But there’s also a theory they learn to absolutely crave that surge of feel-good chemicals their bucking unloads. Sorta like a natural high that has ’em itching to do it all over again real soon.
Remember the first time you rode a rollercoaster and your stomach did summersaults the whole time? But also gave you the wildest rush? I bet you wanted back in line immediately for more, right?
Well bucking is kind of like that for horses and bulls – a thrill they live for deep down. And I bet after the fact, they’re secretly wanting another chance to let loose and unleash that energy ASAP!
The Noise and Lights Get Them Extra Fired Up
Besides their ancestral instincts, another big factor amping up the animals is the crazy atmosphere of a rodeo itself. Thousands of screaming fans, blaring music, flashing lights – it’s a whole lot more intense than just kickin’ around a quiet old pasture!
All that stimulation explodes their natural instincts into hyperdrive.
Ever try working with jackhammers going full tilt nearby? It’s impossible to focus! Same deal for rodeo stock – that environment absolutely floods their systems with hormones telling them DANGER DANGER MUST DEFEND SELF NOW! And out come the epic acrobatic maneuvers we’ve all come to love watching.
Bucking is an Extreme Athletic Feat
Now when you think about it, what these bucking horses and bulls can put their bodies through is just plain superhuman. Picture doing a full-on backflip while kicking both legs above your head – all in midair! And then landing it perfectly enough to immediately rebound into another spin. Mad respect for their incredible strength and body control under immense physical stress.
It’d be like Usain Bolt running a 200m while juggling chainsaws in both hands. Except he’d probably drop the chainsaws six ways to Sunday mid-sprint! These animals somehow pull off such intricate maneuvers time and again despite weighing a ton. That takes some next-level athleticism if you ask me!
Ranchers Manage it Like an Extreme Sport
Bucking doesn’t just happen wild and free either – a lot of behind-the-scenes training goes into it like any pro sport. Ranchers spend years developing each animal’s skills to a fine-tuned art. From using bucking machines to practicing on dummy riders, every technique gets maximized for maximum motion picture drama.
Kind of reminds me of how skateboarders or snowboarders train for gnarly tricks in halfpipes. Takes major conditioning to pull off backflips or 720 spins without fail. Well managing bucking stock is like running an extreme animal athletics program! They study tape just like coaches, identify strengths to exploit, and push the animals’ limits step by step. Result is some seriously spectacular performances under the lights.
It’s a Dance Both Partners Know by Heart
When it comes down to it, a perfect ride is almost like a beautifully choreographed dance between man and beast. The animal brings its top-tier talent for acrobatics born of aggression. And the rider waves his flag of bravery right back in a display of sheer will and timing.
It’s a push-and-pull where two wild forces meet head-on, size each other up, and sync in crazy harmony. Like surfers riding a monster wave – just immersed fully in the moment with their partner in crime. All their skills and instincts align just right, and magic is made. A dance as old as our history with these creatures, yet no two shows are ever the same. S’why bucking and broncin’ will never not get a crowd on their feet!
Buck ‘n’ Roll: Why do Horses & Bulls Buck in Rodeos?
You watch any more rodeos now and you’ll see those athletic moves in a whole new light.
Ain’t no pity needed for the horses or bulls – hell, I think they’re lovin’ every second of it deep down! Just playin’ to all their ancestral strengths honed over thousands of years on the open plains. Expressin’ behaviors that kept their wild kin safe as houses back in the day.
The riders may do some bouncin’ around but who ain’t never taken a tumble or two growin’ up, am I right?
And for the stock, showin’ off those evasive maneuvers is pure instinct and adrenaline. They live for the challenge of the chase even if we two-leggers are doin’ the chasin’ nowadays. Let me tell ya, the great game ain’t never stopped – it’s just looked a little different through the ages!